Multivendor Service Management With coordinator Backend Dashboard
Are you a service provider?
Then this solution is for you. We have designed and developed a system where you can create customer databases, generate bookings, get online payments, track your staff work from a single dashboard.
1. Android APP
3. Admin Dashboard (Web Based)
4. Customer Care Officer Dashboard (Web Based)
5. Engineer or Employee Dashboard (APP Based)
6. User Dashboard (App Based)
7. Google location API
8. SMS Gateway

1. User can create account
2. User can look for services
3. User can book services by specifying date and time
4. User can view invoice
6. User can look start a complaint for product service
7. User can cancel appointment
8. User can reschedule appointment
9. User can connect to company direct from whatsapp icon
USER App Screens
Features Included in Employee or Engineer App
1. Employee can login
2. Employee can check for the calls or service request in his/her dashboard
3. Employee can view address, phone no where he has to go for service or repair
5. Employees can click a picture of the product which he is installing for security and feedback.
6. Employee can add an extra amount of service while he is working on a job.
7. Employee can close or hold a call till it’s completed
Admin App Screens
Features included in customer care officer (CCO) panel
1. CCO can view order and services.
2. CCO can assign an employee to any order or services
3. CCO can view complaint and can assign employee
5. CCO can edit a product or service
6. CCO can create a product or service
7. CCO can create an order on behalf of customer from his panel