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How To Create an Event on Facebook

By this article, you will learn how to create an event on Facebook. “Facebook” is a word that has now connected to our souls. Anyone can share anything on their timeline. No matter what it is an image, blog post, feelings etc. Facebook helps us to create interest within us by showing others timeline updates. Some people use it for their personal interests and others use it for their business.

According to “Statista”, there are almost 2.07 monthly active users on Facebook. How people use Facebook for their business sales that is the main question. Some use it to create a Facebook Business page and some use it to promote their products and services.

While most of them create an event for their business and call out larger public in a single go.

The steps for How to create an event in facebook are as follows:

1. Open your Facebook Business Page and Click on Create an Event


Log in to your Facebook account and open your business page.Once you have a login to your business page, there will be an option of updating your status. Below your status option, you get a link to create your event.

2. Basic Information


Once you click to create an event, then a popup will show up. The pop-up will ask about the basic information that is required to create an event. This information will be further visible to your desired visitors.

What kind of information will it ask?

It will ask the information related to your event that you want to create. Below is this list that will be asked the information panel.

A. Event Photo and Video


  • If there is any photo or video that you have created for the event then you can upload it here. This helps for a better acknowledgment of your event by the visitors.

B. Event Name, Location & Frequency


  • Once you upload an image or video at the event, the second task that you have to do is to create the event’s name.Give appropriate event name that suits your desired motto.
  • The third task is to give your event a location. The location should be the exact place where you are calling the public for your event.
  • The fourth task is to set frequency. Frequency means that how often this event is performed. Does your event occur only once or twice or weekly in a month?

C. Description and Keywords


  • You have to write an appropriate description of your event. What visitors are going to get in the event must be very well written in the description.
  • Keywords should be written according to your event. Keywords can be like kid-friendly, family event, business, coaching etc.

D. Tickets


  • Let you people know how can they book tickets for your event. You can provide your website link by which they can book their tickets.

E. Co-Hosts

  • You can also add co-host at your event.

3. Publish


This is the third step at how to create an event in facebook is to publish your event. There are other options available apart from publishing. You can boost a post, save a draft and even schedule your event for future consideration.

This was the whole process for How to create an event on Facebook.

If you like it, share it with your friends.  🙂


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