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I am sure you would have heard about the term ‘Backlink’ many times. It is also known by different synonyms such as incoming link, inbound link etc.
In this article, I will try my best to help you learn its meaning, importance and ways of getting backlinks in simple ways.


Let us start with its meaning,


What is Backlink

It simply means the incoming links to your website, webpage or web directory. The objective of
backlinks remains the same ie, get quality traffic and improves the ranking of your websites, webpage
or web directory.

Backlink is a link you get from other websites. Additionally, you must be familiar with the term ‘Internal
Links’ which means links between one page to another page in the same domain. It is also a
classification of backlink.


Let me share an example to make it more clear


For eg: Your website is which is related to play school. If you get a link for Website
which is also specialized in education or playschool, that link refer here as backlink. This will give you
quality traffic for sure because it is related.

Hope now you are clear about ‘Backlinks’ atleast as to what it means.


Why Backlinks are Important

You see WWW or world wide web is a combination of multiple webpages across multiple domains.
These pages should not have any importance unless it is linked in one form or other. Hence the linking is
a very important for search engine to rank your website. Back linking is a great option for you to make
your webpages or websites popular.


These are the benefits of backlinks :


  • Effective blogs attract more backlinks

Getting good backlinks require lots of honest efforts. For example , you have a blog and it contains many
useful and relevant information for the readers, by default more website owners or bloggers will be
interested in your case and easily refer you to others by getting your links published in their respective


  • Better Ranking ( Organic )

Back links help in getting high ranking in search engines. If you are getting a organic link from other sites
for your content that will automatically improve your ranking in search engine .The main focus is to
create links to individual posts or pages along with those leading to your home page.


  • Quality Traffic

One of the important thing noticed that backlinks brings only quality traffic .Normally ,quality traffic is
targeted and has low bounce rate.


  • Superfast Indexing

Backlinks help search engine to discover links to your site and crawl your site very effectively. If you have
a new website, backlink is helpful to get the faster discovery and super fast indexing.


Here are few tips for You :

1. Write awesome articles
2. Start commenting
3. Submit to web directories
4. Avoid paid backlink services otherwise be ready to get penalised by Google Algorithm.


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